Bleep Circuit Control 2024

09. to 14. September 2024

@Roter Baum, Großenhainer Str. 93, 01127 Dresden

Bleep Pictures of the Final concert 14.09.24

Bleep Künstler*innen

Bleep Workshop Pictures 2024

Bleep Support 2024

Bleep Introduction

From September 9 to 14, METAKNOTEN e.V. is organizing the CIRCUIT-CONTROL Festival for creative use of the soldering iron at Roter Baum e.V. in Dresden-Pieschen. Building electronic instruments, creating kinetic sculptures or simply learning how to solder? No problem! At the CIRCUIT-CONTROL Festival, anyone interested can take part in one of the many workshops and courses or simply watch and be inspired. The festival ends with a concert where workshop participants, local and international guests perform an audiovisual concert with their self-made instruments and devices.

For one week, Roter Baum e.V. will be a temporary makerspace and networking venue for hobbyists, professionals and artists from the fields of audio, video and media art. Electronic instruments will be built, kinetic sculptures designed and light art processes developed. A wide range of workshops, courses and lectures with guests from the local and international scene impart new knowledge to advanced and beginners alike. The festival offers space to realize your own projects together with like-minded people or to experiment with the equipment on display.

The CIRCUIT-CONTROL Festival 2024 is supported by the Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen, the Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz, the Wau Holland Stiftung and the Klippel Stiftung.


Metaknoten e.V. – A network collective of international artists, musicians, programmers, engineers, organizers and free spirits founded in Dresden in 2021.




Bleep Videos

2023 Festival @ Volkshaus Cotta, Dresden (Documentation)

2022 Festival @ Feuerwache Loschwitz, Dresden (Documentation)

2022 podcast release session @ Kraftwerk Mitte, Dresden (Live Stream)

2021 Festival @ Kraftwerk Mitte, Dresden (Live Stream)

2020 Festival @ Sektor Evolution, Dresden (Documentation)

2017 Festival @ Technische Sammlungen, Dresden (Documentation)

2013 Festival @ Hole of Fame, Dresden (Documentation)

Bleep Podcasts & Audio

Festival 2021 podcast @ Kraftwerk Mitte


Bleep Pictures of the last years

Bleep Artist, Participants, Partners

Alwin Weber (Dresden), Ben aka George Lazenbleep (UK), Blinkyparts (Regensburg), Claude Winterberg, Coloradio (Dresden), Drone-O-Tron (Berlin), Error Instruments (Amsterdam, NL), FRGMNT (Berlin), FabLab Dresden, ISN´T SES (London, UK), Klangwerk Köln, Konglomerat e.V. (Dresden), Kulturgüterschuppen (Tübingen), Lügen Museum (Dresden), METAKNOTEN (Dresden), Marc Dusjagr (Zürich, CH), Medienkulturzentrum (Dresden), Netzwerk Medienkunst (Dresden), Noisio (Dresden), Psychiceyeclix (London, UK), Ralf Schreiber (Köln), Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Mechatronische Kunst (Zürich), Setzkasten Wien (AU), Stephan Kropop (Dresden), Ute Eyeshox (Dresden), Wau Holland Stiftung … and many more